[CI] The SSI ia64 port is in.
John Byrne
2002-07-27 00:14:02 UTC
CI is not done, but it shouldn't take much work to finish. (I'm not in
any hurry.) Load-levelling won't build; since the load-levelling code
uses floating point and this a problem on most architectures, the plan
is to modify it to use scaled integer arithmetic.

I've checked out fresh and built SSI i386 and booted it (CFS). I'm
building UML. (I don't have a UML test setup at the moment, so I don't
plan to test it.) I'm building ia64 and will test that. I'll let you all
know later how they both do.

Aneesh, if I've broken alpha (and I probably have), I'm sorry.

Aneesh Kumar K.V
2002-07-27 05:57:02 UTC

Congrats... So one more architecture to the list. wow!!!!!.
Post by John Byrne
CI is not done, but it shouldn't take much work to finish. (I'm not in
any hurry.) Load-levelling won't build; since the load-levelling code
uses floating point and this a problem on most architectures, the plan
is to modify it to use scaled integer arithmetic.
I had some discussion with Moshe Bar regarding the same because for
Alpha also it is disabled. He suggested either to wait for the new load
leveling algorithm he is working on or to move o scaled integer. Any how
the open mosix team is working on a IA64 port may be that would be
helpful to us. But if it take them too much time to come up with the
port I guess we should work towards it.
Post by John Byrne
I've checked out fresh and built SSI i386 and booted it (CFS). I'm
building UML. (I don't have a UML test setup at the moment, so I don't
plan to test it.) I'm building ia64 and will test that. I'll let you all
know later how they both do.
Aneesh, if I've broken alpha (and I probably have), I'm sorry.
I will test this part. But i need some time. May be one week . Is that
ok ? ( Right now i am a bit busy.)

Can we list down what we can expect for the next release
I am putting what i hope to see.

(1) HA CFS
(2) load leveling enhancement by laura
(3) CI and SSI IA64 port.
(4) devfs bug fix to enable mount to work.

I bet this release is going to get wide attention :)

I would also like to bring dlm under /usr/src/linux/cluster directory.
That makes it a core part of SSI. IBM's DLM team seems to be not
working any more on DLM. Either they think it is stable or ??. Any how
brining DLM as sub part of SSI need considerable modification to DLM.I
am not sure whether it worth doing This also involve moving the DLM
user level libraries to cluster tools and removing dlmdu ( Or make it
just to load DLM and then exit ). Once we make DLM as a part of SSI then
i guess one can use it without fear :).

Once we are with it next step would be to make opengfs to work with DLM.

any comments ?

Brian J. Watson
2002-07-31 19:31:03 UTC
Post by Aneesh Kumar K.V
Can we list down what we can expect for the next release
I am putting what i hope to see.
(1) HA CFS
It'll be non-HA CFS for now. Dave's working on the HA part, but it'll
take some time.
Post by Aneesh Kumar K.V
(2) load leveling enhancement by laura
I think that'll be in there.
Post by Aneesh Kumar K.V
(3) CI and SSI IA64 port.
The CI code hasn't been tested by itself for awhile. Is there demand out
there for another release of CI any time soon?
Post by Aneesh Kumar K.V
(4) devfs bug fix to enable mount to work.
My impression is that it's more of a feature enhancement than a bug fix,
so it won't be in the next release. John?

Another enhancement for the next release is Dave's distributed mounting,
so that a mount done on one node is seen on all nodes. He also
stripped-down the nodeup script, so that dependent nodes come up faster.

Something I've been working on is remote socket ops, so that bind(),
connect(), send(), recv(), etc. can be done by a process that is remote
from its socket. I've gotten a bit hung up on accept(), because it has
the added wrinkle of creating a new socket. I've also been sidetracked
by preparation for the LinuxWorld demo, so I'm not sure if remote socket
ops will be ready in time for the next release.
Post by Aneesh Kumar K.V
I bet this release is going to get wide attention :)
I hope so. :)
Post by Aneesh Kumar K.V
I would also like to bring dlm under /usr/src/linux/cluster directory.
That makes it a core part of SSI.
What do you think, Bruce?
Brian Watson | "Now I don't know, but I been told it's
Software Developer | hard to run with the weight of gold,
Open SSI Clustering Project | Other hand I heard it said, it's
Hewlett-Packard Company | just as hard with the weight of lead."
| -Robert Hunter, 1970
