[CI] Proposed 0.7.1 release of SSI and Cluster Tools
Brian J. Watson
2002-08-29 00:32:02 UTC
I'm going to crank out a 0.7.1 release of SSI and Cluster Tools
tomorrow. Here are the proposed CHANGES. If you have any other issues
you'd like resolved in this release, or you have a correction to the
CHANGES, please let me know before tomorrow afternoon (Pacific time).


- Added the accept, getname, and release remote socket ops
(Brian Watson)
- Fix the deadlock when reading /proc/<pid>/pin (Aneesh Kumar)
- Coherent cluster-wide shared mapped file support (David Zafman)
- Added BKL to rssidev_ioctl(). (Locking ASSERTs fail without it.)
(John Byrne)
- Fixed dangling point in surrogate origin handling. (John Byrne)
- Fixed ssidevfs code not to go berserk when large numbers of nodes
join simultaneously. (John Byrne)
- Fixed bug in clms_client_startup_node() where incorrect lengths were
being passed to ICS. (John Byrne)
- Added CLMS logging for clms_api_rw_lock (John Byrne)
- Modified low-level ICS not to require memory allocations
(John Byrne)
- Fixed an inode syncing problem in CFS (David Zafman)
- Made --bind mounts completely local (David Zafman)
- Suppressed some compiler warnings (John Byrne)
- Fixed a problem with duplicate PIDs in /proc (John Byrne)
- Resolved various bugs in the load-leveler (Laura Ramirez)
- Corrected a panic with message queues (Laura Ramirez)
- Fixed a problem with building a kernel without the load-leveler
(Aneesh Kumar)
- Fixed a problem with building for Alpha (Aneesh Kumar)
- Miscellaneous bugfixes

- Changed the HA LVS configuration to xml format.(Aneesh Kumar)
- Changed cluster_lilo to distribute the -R option better.
(John Byrne)
- Fixed init not to SIGSEGV if built for DEBUG. (John Byrne)
- Fixed the build scripts to not depend on PATH containing anything
other than /bin (Aneesh Kumar)
- Improved ICS logging (John Byrne)
- Eliminated memory allocations from low-level ICS code (John Byrne)
- Made init get maxnodes from the kernel, rather than hardcode it.
(John Byrne)
- Miscellaneous bugfixes
Aneesh Kumar K.V
2002-08-29 08:30:02 UTC
Post by Brian J. Watson
I'm going to crank out a 0.7.1 release of SSI and Cluster Tools
tomorrow. Here are the proposed CHANGES. If you have any other issues
you'd like resolved in this release, or you have a correction to the
CHANGES, please let me know before tomorrow afternoon (Pacific time).
I have posted a new cfs_mount and cfs_swapon. Any body have any comments
on that ? It helps in making fstab clusterwide.

David B. Zafman
2002-08-29 23:50:03 UTC
Post by Aneesh Kumar K.V
Post by Brian J. Watson
I'm going to crank out a 0.7.1 release of SSI and Cluster Tools
tomorrow. Here are the proposed CHANGES. If you have any other issues
you'd like resolved in this release, or you have a correction to the
CHANGES, please let me know before tomorrow afternoon (Pacific time).
I have posted a new cfs_mount and cfs_swapon. Any body have any comments
on that ? It helps in making fstab clusterwide.
Bruce, Brian and I have gone over your design for a cluster-wide fstab.
We've agreed to the /etc/fstab.ssi design, but we have a couple of

In addition to mount and swapon we want the fsck and dump commands to
also look at fstab.ssi when running with an SSI kernel. All these
commands must operate exactly as they did before if the kernel is NOT
SSI (look at /etc/fstab). This allows us to replace the base commands
with our modified version and still boot the base linux kernel. We want
to save the original base command as *.orig during installation.

In the options part of the fstab.ssi we want to add new a new option
"node=#". This field when not specified defaults to node=1. The node=#
option is be parsed by my_getmntent() and if the node # matches the
current node number the entry is returned, but "node=#" is removed from
the option string. We don't want the node=# to end up in /etc/mtab or
seen by filesystem specific code. It controls my_getmntent() operations
instead of looking at device names. If "node=*" is specified then the
entry is always returned by my_getmntent().

Instead of hard coding MS_CFS flag setting based on specific
filesystems. We want to add a new file with the following format:

fstype cluster defaults
gfs parallel
ext3 cfs

The mount command will read this file and depending on the filesystem
type will automatically set the appropriate flags. For now "cfs" will
be the only option that does anything by setting MS_CFS. The "parallel"
option can be accepted, but doesn't do anything internally for now. We
haven't specified the filename for this file.

During installation /etc/fstab should be copied to /etc/fstab.ssi with
additional comments at the top about what is expected in a cluster
environment. Because of the defaults minimal or no modifications to the
/etc/fstab.ssi are required at this point.

When running addnode the user is prompted for a swap device name which
is appended to /etc/fstab.ssi for that node to swapon when booting.

In order to support filesystems on dependent nodes in the new fstab.ssi,
we need to modified rc.sysinit.nodeup to perform fsck and mount
operations which will be using the newly developed commands and this
read the node=# parts of fstab.ssi during dependent node boot.
David B. Zafman | Hewlett-Packard Company
Linux Kernel Developer | Open SSI Clustering Project
mailto:***@hp.com | http://www.hp.com
"Thus spake the master programmer: When you have learned to snatch
the error code from the trap frame, it will be time for you to leave."