[CI] CI newbie question
Zou, Yixiong
2003-09-05 19:55:07 UTC

I just downloaded CI recently and looked at the cluster API interface.
I have couple questions that I wish you guys can answer for me.

1) Is there plans to port CI's kernel patch to the latest 2.6 kernel?

2) Is there plans to submit CI's kernel patch to the main-line kernel?

3) Is there any distro who currently ships CI?

4) Any production installations of CI you guys know of?

5) Have you guys looked into the SA-Forum's AIS spec? Is there a
plan to be SA compliant? This question is a little odd, I sincerely
whish you guys don't get offended by this. I just want to know where
this project is going next. There are so many cluster solutions
out there and it will be very nice to have a common interface
to users can easily integrate them together.

Thank you very much for your help. Best regards.

Yixiong Zou (***@intel.com)
(503) 677-4988

All views expressed in this email are those of the individual sender.
Brian J. Watson
2003-09-11 15:28:04 UTC
Post by Zou, Yixiong
I just downloaded CI recently and looked at the cluster API interface.
I have couple questions that I wish you guys can answer for me.
1) Is there plans to port CI's kernel patch to the latest 2.6 kernel?
Sometime in the future it will ported to 2.6 along with the OpenSSI code
that depends on it.
Post by Zou, Yixiong
2) Is there plans to submit CI's kernel patch to the main-line kernel?
It would be good if both CI and OpenSSI became part of the main-line
kernel, but there are no specific plans right now. CI would be an easier
sell, because it has far less hooks into other kernel code.
Nevertheless, I think it needs to have a reasonably sized user community
before Linus would accept it.
Post by Zou, Yixiong
3) Is there any distro who currently ships CI?
Post by Zou, Yixiong
4) Any production installations of CI you guys know of?
CI requires software that uses its features to truly be useful. By
itself, it's just keeps track of cluster membership, albeit rather well.
The only software I'm aware of that uses CI is OpenSSI.
Post by Zou, Yixiong
5) Have you guys looked into the SA-Forum's AIS spec? Is there a
plan to be SA compliant? This question is a little odd, I sincerely
whish you guys don't get offended by this. I just want to know where
this project is going next. There are so many cluster solutions
out there and it will be very nice to have a common interface
to users can easily integrate them together.
I don't think any of us have looked at the AIS spec in any detail. It
would be nice to have a common clustering API. The reason CI was
spun-off from OpenSSI was to try to promote a common membership
interface for all clustering software, but it's been difficult to
attract other developers to build apps on it.

Hope this helps,

