[CI] changing mount/umount/swapon/fsck
Aneesh Kumar K.V
2002-11-06 04:36:05 UTC

With the cluster-tools code base in CVS the mount/umount/swapon/fsck on
a system will be changed to SSI specific binaries. A backup of the old
binaries are taken as *.old (mount.old). The above commands require a
new file /etc/fstab.ssi. The sample format is attached below.

# /etc/fstab.ssi: static file system information.
# <file system> <mount point> <type> <options> <dump> <pass>
/dev/sda1 / ext3 defaults,errors=remount-ro,node=1 0 1
/dev/sda2 none swap sw,node=1 0 0
/dev/sdb2 none swap sw,node=2 0 0
proc /proc proc defaults,node=* 0 0
/dev/fd0 /floppy auto defaults,user,noauto,node=* 0 0
/dev/cdrom /cdrom iso9660 defaults,ro,user,noauto,node=* 0 0
/dev/sda4 /gfs ext3 rw,node=1 0 2
none /devfs devfs defaults,node=* 0 0

Make sure you create a equivalent file on your system before installing
cluster-tools/ssi/util-linux. This is not installed by default as of

Sorry for doing a checkin close to the release date. I was on leave
from last friday and reached back today.

