[CI] New CVS repositories!!
Brian J. Watson
2003-06-23 19:05:02 UTC
This was supposed to go out two weeks ago when the new repository was
ready, but I realized today that it never went out. I'm not sure if the
blame lies with me or my mail client. Anyway, here it is.


CI and OpenSSI developers-

The newly restructured CVS repositories are open for business. I've
updated instructions on the CI and OpenSSI websites:

Note that although checking out the OPENSSI-RH branch of either
repository will give you a complete set of docs and code for the kernel
and utilities, not all files actually have an OPENSSI-RH branch. For
files that don't need to be branched, such as cluster-tools,
openssi-tools, some of the docs, etc., I artificially tagged the trunk
of them as OPENSSI-RH. In addition, I tagged the trunk of these files
with COMMON, so I can keep track of who they are.

If you add a new file (or directory of files) that doesn't need to be
branched, you can do this tagging as follows:

$ cvs admin -nCOMMON:1 <filename>
$ cvs admin -nOPENSSI-RH:1 <filename>

If you ever need to branch a file (or directory of files) that was
previously tagged in this manner, you need to remove the COMMON tag and
force the branching:

$ cvs tag -d COMMON <filename>
$ cvs tag -bF OPENSSI-RH <filename>

I also re-created the RH-MERGE and TRUNK-MERGE tags for keeping the
trunk and RH branch in sync. Remember, the RH-MERGE tag is on the trunk
for keeping it in sync with the RH branch, and the TRUNK-MERGE tag is on
the RH branch for keeping it in sync with the trunk. If this sounds to
confusing to most developers, let me know and I'll switch them around.

In the near future, we'll need to modify some of the OpenSSI docs to
reflect the changes. I did this with the CI docs already.

If you need help adapting changes from your old sandboxes to your new
ones, let me know. Aneesh is adapting the build system (basing it on the
GNU autoconf system). If you run into build problems, let him know. As
always, copy the appropriate mailing list so others can benefit from
your experiences.


