1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
As to your own project, you may want to look at the CI (Cluster Infrastructure) =
Linux project http://ci-linux.sourceforge.net/. Possibly it could help you =
directly out of the box, or you might be able to leverage some of the existing =
code. It has the same license as the linux kernel, so it should be useable by =
you if the linux kernel is.

Scalability is currently in the 10-50 range. They hope to get that into the =
hundreds next year.

CI Linux seems to be fairly stable from what I have seen. Unfortunately, their =
webpage is out of date as well, and at least a few of "open" projects have now =
been done.

FYI: The SSI project and the CI project are very closely related. The CI =
project is designed to be a cluster neutral set of low-level clustering tools. =
The SSI project uses the CI project for its low-level needs.

A couple of significant CI capabilities that are not listed on the webpage:

1) Provides a cluster wide PID. IIRC, It does this by extending the PID to 64 =
bits and using the high-order bits as a node identifier.

2) LVS patches are available to let it use CI for HA purposes. The LVS add on =
project keepalived is actually used to do this.

3) DLM patches are available to let it use CI for HA purposes. This might =
actually be a SSI related feature, but I think it is CI.

Greg Freemyer
Internet Engineer
Deployment and Integration Specialist
Compaq ASE - Tru64
Compaq Master ASE - SAN Architect
The Norcross Group
