[CI] re[2]: What about breaking rc.sysint up into an rc.sysinit.d
Greg Freemyer
2002-06-12 14:02:09 UTC
Thought I would lob this directly at you. Have you looked at either the
clusternfs server or the vf patches to the kernel. These allow an SSI
and already work very well. I have been using them at home for a few
months as a work related study project.
At work, I am creating a proposal on an path toward more linear cluster
size scalability. To that end, I have built a prototype at home and am
in the process of working out details and difficulties. The method
involves some proprietary hardware and inter-connect methods.
Robin Holt

First, I have copied the SSI clustering and CI devel lists on this response. I hope you don't mind.

I thought they might find your comments about clusternfs and the vf patches of interest.

As well as your comments about scalability.
No I have not looked into clusternfs, nor the vf patches. Maybe the SSI linux team will consider one of them as an alternative to OpenGFS, which does not currently seem to be getting any developer support from I can see.

It is the total SSI project that I find very interesting, not any single component (i.e shared root), and I must say I am more of a active lurker on that project than a participant.

If you take a look at the "projects" section of http://ssic-linux.sourceforge.net/, you will see that the goals for that project are well beyond a common root FS. (BTW, this section was just updated over the weekend. The features section is still 6 months out of date, but they are supposed to be updating it shortly, as well as putting up some recommended configurations.)

In the last couple of months they have added the ability to simulate a SSL cluster by running several UML partitions on a single box. I am thinking seriously about setting up a SSI/UML simulation in my lab.