1970-01-01 00:00:00 UTC
nodeup and nodedown routine will check whether we have received the
configured node list if not they will just return.
if (!haDLM_allow_locks) {
printk("locks: not yet initialized.\n");
clms_nodeup_callback(clms_handle, service, node);
return 0;

once every thing is ready and when a node goes down or up we will
determine from the configured node which all nodes are up and then
prepare a new topology information and pass it to DLM main code using

you cannot start dlm in a cluster where the nodes are already in the
cluster and are also a part of dlm . I mean for dlm to work dlm daemon
need to be started when there is only one node. later you can add more
nodes. ( see DLM documentation ) That means you may need to start dlm
along with the cluster master.

If there is anything that I missed please ask me.

